========= Module II ========= .. index:: template for authors .. |a| image:: /images/all/blender-extended/checker-100.png :width: 100px Objectives ========== .. tabularcolumns:: | c | l |l :border: none +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |a| | Now we connect tree Python script to build a complete szene | | | | +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Instructions ============ :Tasks: 1. What are the differences to the modules, used before. 2. Create your own scene and manage the objects in separate modules (files). 3. | Add a module for the ground. Let it look like a chessboard. | See also learning station: :ref:`materials ` Module: checker.py ================== .. literalinclude:: files/checker.py :language: python Module: levels.py ================= .. literalinclude:: files/levels.py :language: python Main programm: sokoban.py ========================= .. literalinclude:: files/sokoban_m2.py :language: python Result ====== .. image:: /images/all/blender-extended/scene_complete.png :width: 500px