============================= Data type: tuple & for loop ============================= .. _tuple: .. index:: for, programm control: for, data type: tuple .. |a| image:: /images/all/python-basics/rounded_braces-100.png :width: 100px Objectives ========== .. tabularcolumns:: | c | l | :border: none +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |a| | The specifics of the tuple data type, short and sweet. | | | | +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Instructions ============ :Tasks: 1. Create a second file: tuple_and_lists.py (Note: files must not be named for reserved words, because it can lead to name conflicts!) 2. Save your address in a tuple. 3. Enter the address of the tuple. 4. Use a for loop to output the tuple. Content ======= Properties ... ---------------- - Immutable like strings - External characteristic in the source code are the parentheses - Can take any object - Parts of a tuple can be extract. The index starts with 0. - Attempt to change the value of a tuple entry is not possible! Example: --------- In these examples, the for loop is used for the control flow. .. ifconfig:: language == 'de' :: T1 = () # ein leerer Tupel (eher ungewöhnlich und rein akademisch betrachtet) t2 = ('Das', 'tapfere', 'Schneiderlein', 'traf', 7, 'auf', 'einen', 'Streich') print(t2[0], t2[1], t2[2], t2[3], t2[4], t2[5], t2[6], t2[7]) for i in t2: print(i, ) print() print(t3) t2[4] = 9 # Wird das funktionieren? .. ifconfig:: language == 'en' :: T1 = () # an empty tupel (considered unusual and purely academic) t2 = ('The', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumps', 'over', 7, 'stones') print(t2[0], t2[1], t2[2], t2[3], t2[4], t2[5], t2[6], t2[7]) for i in t2: print(i, ) print() print(t3) t2[4] = 9 # Will that work? As you can extract parts of a tuple is in the station :ref:`slicing ` shown.